An An Analysis of Communicative Task Used in Indonesian Secondary School English Textbook “Work in Progress”
Communicative task, CLT approach, Work in ProgressAbstract
This research aims to describe on how far the tasks in textbook develop the communicative task in CLT approach used in textbook. The researches choose descriptive method in this.The data are taken from the textbook for ten grade of Secondary School entitled Work in Progress written by Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, and Nining Suryaningsih which published by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia in 2022.The technique of collecting data in this research used documentary analysis. The data are collected only from the first chapter as it already represent the communicative task asked by the researchers. Several steps used in analyzing data, they are defining criteria, subjective analysis, objective analysis, and matching. The research results that: (1) this textbook is suitable to be used regarding to the learners need (2) The percentage of communicative task in the first chapter is 75.1% - 87.5%. It means that this textbook is specifically in chapter 1 is recommended in teaching and learning.
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