English Speaking Achievement and Environmental Conscientization by Using Think-Pair- Share Strategy


  • Jenny Elvinna Manurung English Study Program, Tridinanti University Palembang
  • Nita Ria English Study Program, Tridinanti University Palembang




speaking, environmental Conscientization, think pair share


The objective of the study was to describe the implication of speaking achievement and Environmental Conscientization by Using Think-Pair-Share to Senior High School Students of Methodist 2 Palembang. Thirty-two people ofSenior High School Students of Methodist 2 Palembang became the sample of the study. The writer used a classroom action research as a method of study. This study consisted of two cycles; cycle I and cycle II. Test and observation were used to collect the data. Data calculation showed that there was a significant improvement on students' speaking achievement and environmental conscientization, the mean score of speaking achievement in cycle I was 57,63 with learning completeness 15,63% and its environmental conscientization was 56. Then, the mean score of speaking achievement in cycle II was 77 with learning completeness 84,38%and it's environmental conscientization was 74. In other words, speaking achievement and local cultural awareness was improved by using think-pair-share. Besides, the students' perception toward the implementation of think pair share was good.


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How to Cite

Manurung, J. E., & Ria, N. (2018). English Speaking Achievement and Environmental Conscientization by Using Think-Pair- Share Strategy. Channing: Journal of English Language Education and Literature, 3(2), 88–99. https://doi.org/10.30599/channing.v3i2.468
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